Human Trafficking and The Holiday Season

Human Trafficking and The Holiday Season

The holiday season is filled with family, friends, and community celebrating together. However, UAHT deals with the sad reality that there are victims of exploitation all around us, even during this wonderful season. Our role as an organization is to be the voice of those trapped in exploitation. During this season of giving, you can be a part of our initiatives to provide strength, support, and hope to individuals in our community.

The Need:

On December 20th, UAHT will be at Montrose Street Reach Christmas dinner. This event will serve around 325 individuals who are high risk for either sex or labor trafficking. We will provide personal hygiene kits and blankets with human trafficking resources to reduce traffickers ability to exploit basic needs. With every kit, we are putting power back into the hands of each individual served.

How You Can Help!

We need 325 Hygiene Kits to pass out as gifts at the dinner. Use the information below and grab your family, a group of friends, roommates, or coworkers for an evening creating kits. Reach out to your neighborhood, or faith community and start a gift drive. Get creative, its up to you! We need all kits/donations delivered by December 18th to ensure the human trafficking resources and information are distributed with each package.

Where to Donate:

UAHT Offices at 2002 S. Wayside Dr. Houston Texas 77023

When: By December 18th

Please contact our office at 713-874-0290 to schedule drop off

What to include:

Large Freezer Zip Lock Bags (will be used to hold items)
Soap/Body wash
Tooth Brushes
First Aid Kits
Tampons, Pads
Travel sized umbrellas

Thank You!