Juneteenth: The History of Slavery and Human Trafficking

Juneteenth: The History of Slavery and Human Trafficking

Since the murder of George Floyd, all of us – advocates, allies, and detractors alike – have been encouraged to research and learn how the Black community has been impacted by societal and structural racism. I want to take a moment to challenge the idea that slavery is a thing of the past. The ideas that are put forth in this blog are not ones that I came to know from my own experiences. These are what I have learned from my own research into what the African-American community has been through, through the eyes of its’ own community members. 

For those who may not be aware, Juneteenth, (also known as Freedom Day and Jubilee Day in its’ earliest iterations) is a holiday that celebrates the news of the Emancipation Proclamation making its way into the most remote locations of Texas, the last of all states to receive the news. This was two and a half years after the initial Emancipation Proclamation, the executive order that effectively ended slavery, was put into effect on January 1st, 1863.

Did this mean that slavery really ended, or did it just take on a new form? 

After the Civil War and the Emancipation Proclamation, laws were enacted to disproportionately target and arrest black men with the intention of prison sentences. These prison sentences would be spent on plantations where they were made to work to gain their freedom back. For many of them, this debt-like sentence would last the rest of their life. 

100 years later, segregation and Jim Crow laws plagued the nation, until the Civil Rights Movement of the 60’s. The War on Drugs is the next manifestation of this timeline of structural racism. Black men and women were disproportionately impacted by The War on Drugs. From 1980-2010, the number of residents in correctional facilities increased from 300,000 to over 2 million, while crime rates fluctuated and show little correlation to the rise of incarceration. From 1985-2000, the U.S. saw a 1000% increase in drug-related offenses (Alexander, 2012). These drug-related arrests and incarcerations unduly target low-income Black communities. If you want to learn more on the history of structural racism in America, ‘The New Jim Crow’ by Michelle Alexander is an incredible starting point, that made a significant impact in my journey as an ally. 

You might ask, how is this related to human trafficking?

Human trafficking, at its core is a violation of basic human rights. It is often referred to ‘modern-day slavery.’ Human trafficking, too, impacts the Black community in an alarming way. Black men and women account for approximately 40% of all human trafficking victims domestically (Strother, 2018). In 2012, Black children accounted for 59% of all prostitution arrests (Strother, 2018).

It is extremely important for the anti-trafficking movement to recognize the historical oppression our Black friends, colleagues, family members, community members have all experienced and continue to experience. 

We must consider this when we think about impacting change upon this world. Echoing the old adage, ‘We must be the change we wish to see in the world.’ It really does start with us. 

Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

At UAHT, the conversation around DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) has been ongoing since my onboarding in January of last year. We also discuss that looking inward is the first step in a lot of processes, but especially when thinking through what change looks like, and how we can bring change in our lives and the lives of those around us.

During these times, we ALL must look inward and see how we are bringing diversity, equity and inclusiveness on a personal level. It is just as important to examine what we are doing to do to the same for our communities and our environment. It starts with hard conversations, not just with those who agree with us, but those who disagree. It starts with opening our hearts, eyes and minds. It starts with you and it starts with me.  

Building A Free Future During COVID-19

Building A Free Future During COVID-19

Dear Friend,

One thing we know, human trafficking continues even with social distancing. In fact, COVID-19 created a perfect storm for exploiting our community.

Traffickers are grooming young boys and girls on social media. They haven’t stopped targeting vulnerable people, desperate to pay their mortgages and feed their families. 

Although this is a harsh reality in our city, we haven’t stop fighting for the safety of our families, friends, and neighbors. We know lives depend on us.   

For the last 7 weeks, we’ve been continuing our work protecting people struggling with homelessness, substance use, isolation, unemployment.

To fulfill our duty to protect our entire community and help flatten the curve, we quickly pivoted all our programs to fit the “new normal.”

Youth are staying safe from traffickers online through the prevention education videos developed by our team. Our relationships with survivors continue to strengthen as we send encouraging letters and videos. 

Clients in shelters, Spanish-speaking communities, and refugee and immigrant communities are receiving life-saving resources through the PSA’S we provide to our partners. 

Health professionals, first responders, and our community have access to our webinars for free, so they can continue to fight human trafficking. 

We continue to help survivors escape to safety.  

As social distancing incrementally lifts, we are considering how and when we will transition back to providing in-person services, while taking precautions to keep our team and our clients safe.

These are hard times. However, my heart is full of gratitude for the emails, phone calls, and messages we have received from you, asking how we are doing and what you can do to help.  

Thank you for your love, support, and engagementWe can’t do our work without you. Together with hope and action, we will build a future where all live free.  

For Freedom,

Timeka Walker, LMSW | Executive Director

P.S. There are lots of ways you can partner with us to help those vulnerable to trafficking!

Continuing the Mission Amid Crisis

Continuing the Mission Amid Crisis

Dear Friend,

I hope this finds you and your family well and safe. We realize these are unprecedented times, filled with uncertainty. But even as we adjust to life during social distancing and work to overcome fear of the unknown, we are confident that we will see the best of humanity emerge.

Fred Rogers once said, “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'”

Be comforted that there are people tirelessly fighting for your good right now. Doctors and nurses, business owners and grocery store clerks, concerned family and neighbors are coming together to support you and offer the community help.

I hope that we can comfort you as well, as we fight for the freedom of oppressed men, women, and children in our city.

How is COVID-19 affecting our team and our mission?

Due to school closures and restrictions on large crowds, we’re forced to halt our programs for the next several weeks.

But we refuse to let this virus come between us and our mission. While COVID certainly affects us all, none are more affected than our most vulnerable at-risk children and those trapped in exploitation. Now more than ever, we need to care for trafficking survivors.

Additionally, to do our part to help flatten the curve, our team is working remotely for the next two weeks. But rest assured, we’re still responding to credible tips, connecting victims to care, and regularly calling our clients to meet their immediate and emotional needs.

We’re also using this time to prepare for the increase in care that is inveitably needed during and after a crisis.

We are:

  • Translating more materials to reach our Spanish-speaking neighbors,
  • Prepping for an influx of case-management needs; and
  • Improving our parent workshops to bring you the latest information on how to best protect your children.


Many of you have asked how you can help. While all of us are feeling the pressure of COVID-19, none feel it more than the vulnerable people we serve. We want to be ready to meet all their needs in the coming months. Funders are adjusting their giving schedule for the year, which means we don’t know if we’ll be able to operate at full capacity when we are needed the most.

Therefore, we are asking our supporters to please consider making a tax-deductible donation during this time to ensure care for those who are at-risk and for those who are currently being exploited.

Much love and peace,

Timeka Walker, LMSW | Executive Director

The Fight to Survive: How Our Brains Protect Us

The Fight to Survive: How Our Brains Protect Us

Excited laughter and happy squeals morph into a single pain-filled screech. It pierces the humid summer air and suddenly my surroundings melt away.

Just a moment before, my hair flowed behind me in the cool wind. My fingers wrapped around the handlebars, one foot planted on the deck, the other launching me forward along the pavement. I trailed a few feet behind my older brother as he expertly crossed from one half of the driveway to the other on his blue scooter. I wanted to keep up and pulled my right handlebar back slightly.

In an instant, my front wheel caught in the concrete crack. The back wheel swung out as both the scooter and I toppled over.

Involuntarily, my hands released the handlebars and flew out in front of me, catching the full weight of my body as I let out a scream.

My wrist was fractured, but thankfully everything else – my head and torso – was unscathed.

A healthy response

When we experience stress, our brains jump into survival mode. It chooses action from instinct rather than thoughtful reasoning. Just as our bodies instinctively throw our hands down to protect our heads and heart when we fall, our brains’ instinct when we experience stress is to leave, resist, or shut down: flight, fight, freeze.

Everyone experiences these reactions:

You might feel rage course from your ankles to your head, heating every inch of your body, pressure building with every inhale until a deep growly yell erupts. That’s fight.

You might lose the ability to sit comfortably, fidgeting your fingers, squeezing your toes, readjusting your posture, as nausea slams your gut. That’s flight.

You might numb your senses to your surroundings, glazing your eyes and ears, racing through every terrifying scenario in your mind, yet incapable of uttering a word or twitching a finger. That’s freeze.

These are natural, normal, healthy responses to an abnormal, uncomfortable, stressful situation.

stuck in survival mode
