January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month! See All Events >>

Imagine being alone in a small apartment in a small town.

You don’t know anybody, and your family is miles away grappling with their own challenges. What do you do?

For Patty* the answer is creating jewelry.

Bracelets, necklaces, earrings. Beautiful things on bead and glass that shimmer in the light. But they aren’t for her. They’re for her teen daughter Nessie.

Natalia was arrested for soliciting

Both mother and daughter are survivors of sex trafficking.

Patty’s experiences and trauma ripped her from her family. Nessie’s experiences and trauma caused her to develop dangerous coping behaviors that sent her to juvenile detention.

Miles and miles separate Patty and Nessie.

Nessie is in the city. But Patty’s safe home is tucked away in what seems like the middle of nowhere – with nothing to do, nowhere to go, and no one familiar. Refusing to give up hope and determined to overcome her trauma, Patty discovered a way to stay connected to her distant daughter: jewelry making.

Her racing thoughts dissipate and organize as Patty strings together silver wire and feathers, smooth stones, and glass beads.


Human trafficking survivor Patty creates jewelry

Her painful memories of trauma fade, her hands work nimbly, her breathing steadies –

all as she imagines the moment when she can see her daughter again.

UAHT’s new Art of Life  class is for survivors just like Patty.

Creativity allows the mind to process thoughts, emotions, and experiences in a way that traditional therapy often cannot accomplish.

With support from wonderful volunteers and donors like YOU, clients explore their artistic side through collages, painting, journaling, figure drawing, and much more – holistically healing their mind and soul. Art of Life provides a place to be “safely vulnerable, a place like few others,” as one survivor participant so eloquently put it.

Write freedom in the lives of human trafficking survivors by giving a gift today and fuel life-saving programs like the Art of Life.

Human trafficking survivor Patty creates jewelry

Nessie earnestly anticipates packages from her mother while working through her own trauma.

She wears Patty’s handmade jewelry as a reminder of their unwavering love. Still, shipping the occasional gift to Nessie isn’t enough.

Patty longs to embrace her daughter again, no matter what.

That’s why people like you are so important! When you give a gift, you help prepare survivors like Patty for their reunion with the ones they care about most.

Patty escaped her trafficking situation a few months before she started working with UAHT. She met Case Manager Erin through one of our clients. The established client was so confident in the program that she felt comfortable recommending UAHT to a fellow survivor.

When you give a gift to UAHT, you help prepare survivors to reunite with their loved ones.

Group Therapy class

Today, Patty is diligently following her case management service plan with one goal in mind:

reunification with Nessie. Case Manager Erin is with her every step of the way: empowering Patty to stick to her goals, coaching her to develop the skills necessary for finding a job, and ensuring she gets the best care possible from UAHT and our partners.

Patty now has access to remote weekly therapy as one of the many holistic supports she will receive over the course of her work with Erin.

She looks forward to meeting fellow survivors face-to-face in supplemental peer groups – people who share her experiences and can act as a support network for years to come. Not to mention starting Art of Life!

We are delighted to report that Patty will soon move from supportive housing to her own space!

She will start working and, in her free time, continue creating dazzling adornments to send to Nessie. Patty keeps Case Manager Erin up to date on her progress, and Erin could not be prouder of the significant steps she’s taken toward recovery!

Don’t wait! Give a gift today to ensure survivors like Patty and Nessie have the tools they need to create a future of freedom.

Reuniting clients with their families

 Patty’s incredible journey is proof that even in the worst of times, you can find love and beauty –

beauty like the jewelry Patty crafts for her daughter. Beauty like reuniting with family after a long time spent apart.

With your help, UAHT can continue supporting survivors like them to maintain their strong connection.

Our case management program celebrated its 1-year anniversary in May and has directly served over 70 survivors… and counting!

Case management is a comprehensive and vital way to help people who have experienced human trafficking. UAHT is ready to respond to any issue a client may have,

from providing basic needs such as food and clothing to helping craft monthly budgets and resumes.

It is our sincere hope that you will consider giving to ensure 2022 is our best year ever for serving clients. The need is great, but we can accomplish our goals together!

Please, make your year-end gift to empower human trafficking survivors today.

And as always, thank you for being an ally in the fight for freedom!

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