January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month! See All Events >>


Human Trafficking 101

A 2nd Cup 4928 Fulton Street Suite A, Houston

UAHT and A 2nd Cup are collaborating to bring human trafficking training to the community. In this training, you will learn what human trafficking is, how it happens, and what action you can take to fight it.


Human Trafficking 101

To kick off HTAM, United Against Human Trafficking is hosting an open webinar for anyone who wants to learn the basics of human trafficking - what it is, where it happens, and how, you as a community member, can help. In this training, you will learn the three components of human trafficking, how victims are […]


Changing the Game: Trauma Support Group

Godspoint Mission Center 11811 North Freeway, Houston

A support group for victims of sexual exploitation and those coming out of a life of prostitution. This group is led by survivor leader Tracy Dudley and Gabriel, a certified K9 Comfort Dog This event is hosted by Eyes on Me Incorporated


Nights of Prayer & Worship – Elijah Rising

Elijah Rising is hosting nights of prayer & worship to come together and minister to the Lord in prayer and intercession. One of the clear next steps we have as an organization is to come back to the foundation of prayer and worship that Elijah Rising was founded on. Since we do have limited building […]

Houston Mayor’s Human Trafficking Awareness Month Proclamation

TX, United States

Mayor Sylvester Turner of the City of Houston will be presenting his annual proclamation on Human Trafficking Awareness Month on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 during City Council’s Public Session starting at 1:30PM. This meeting is virtual and open to the public at this link: https://www.houstontx.gov/htv/.   The meeting with also be broadcast on HTV, the […]


Human Trafficking Awareness Candlelight Vigil – Ambassador for Christ Youth Ministries

555 Seminar Drive 555 Seminar Drive, Houston, TX

We will hold a candlelight vigil at 555 Seminar Drive on January 11 from 5pm to 6pm. This is the location of our Drop-in Center. Our Drop-in Center is designed for any homeless person who needs resources. They can shower, receive food and speak to Case Manager and LCDC. We have computer lab available to […]


HTAM: Overcomer Panel – Trafficker Tactics and Profiles

A 2nd Cup 4928 Fulton Street Suite A, Houston

January 11th is Human Trafficking Awareness Day - there is no better way to spend it than hearing directly from those who have overcome human trafficking. Don't miss this powerful discussion between Overcomer Heather Smith and a panel of Lived Experience Experts about how traffickers groom and recruit their victims. Through this panel, you'll leave […]


Illuminate – Freedom Church Alliance

1400 Brittmoore Road, Houston, TX 77043 1400 Brittmoore Road, Houston, TX

A city-wide night of worship & prayer over human trafficking. Register Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/illuminate-a-night-of-prayer-worship-tickets-220783628777

4th Annual Light of Hope – Rescue Us Mission

Join us virtually to hear a Survivor Story and Human Trafficking Advocate speak about the needs, and elaborate on the severity of the subject of HT. RSVP at info@rescueusmission.org

Human Trafficking is a Public Health Issue – St. Luke’s Health

Dr. Stoklosa will be the featured presenter during Baylor St. Luke's Medical Center Internal Medicine Grand Rounds. Dr. Stoklosa is the Founding CEO of HEAL Trafficking and an internationally-recognized expert, advocate, researcher, and speaker on the well-being of trafficking survivors in the U.S. and internationally through a public health lens. RSVP to this virutal event […]

HTAM: Racial Justice Week

TX, United States

We know can't solve the issue of systemic racism in one week, but this week during Human Trafficking Awareness Month, we want to focus on the role that racism plays in human trafficking and to equip you to take action. Join us this week for our Racial Justice Series - details are TBA. Check back […]

UAHT at Martin Luther King Jr. Day Festival

City Hall 901 Bagby Street, Houston, TX, United States

The legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. lives on in the 44th Annual Original MLK, Jr. Parade and Festival. United Against Human Trafficking will be participating by hosting a table in the Festival that accompanies the Parade, hosted by the Houston Martin Luther King, Jr. Parade Foundation, Inc., the Black Heritage Society & the […]

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