January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month! See All Events >>

Cookie Decorating Workshop & Fair Trade 101

A 2nd Cup 4928 Fulton Street Suite A, Houston

Join us for an afternoon of fun cookie decorating, while learning about Fair Trade products and how our conscious consumption leads to a better, safer world. Collaboratively hosted by A 2nd Cup and United Against Human Trafficking. Workshop Includes: A cookie decorating kit for each participant Take-home recipes for your own fair trade baking products […]

“Truffle Sauce” Private Screening

A 2nd Cup 4928 Fulton Street Suite A, Houston

In partnership with IYO Visuals, The Landing, Twelve11 and Faith Collaborative – We invite you and your networks to the screening of Truffle Sauce. Truffle Sauce is a coming-of-age drama short that examines how trauma presents itself when unhealed through the lens of a misguided 25-year-old college student trying to escape the grips of human […]

Freedom on the Rocks: Happy Hour

Axelrad 1517 Axelrad, Houston

Join us for a summer happy hour event on June 18th! Celebrate our impact in the community with drinks and cheers, buy UAHT merch, and connect with other anti-trafficking allies around Houston. RSVP Today! Don't wait - the first 20 people to RSVP will get a free drink!


“Truffle Sauce” Private Screening

Match Box Theater 3400 Main Street, Houston

In partnership with IYO Visuals, The Landing, Twelve11 and Faith Collaborative – We invite you and your networks to the screening of Truffle Sauce. Truffle Sauce is a coming-of-age drama short that examines how trauma presents itself when unhealed through the lens of a misguided 25-year-old college student trying to escape the grips of human […]



Speakers’ Bureau Orientation

United Against Human Trafficking 6671 Southwest Freeway, Suite 220, Houston, TX, United States

Do you want to be part of our nationally-known human trafficking education program? Do you love learning and teaching? Do you excel at public speaking? Join our Speakers' Bureau! All Speakers' Bureau volunteers are required to attend orientation, where you'll be trained on: What human trafficking is, where it happens, and how to stay safe […]

Open House at United Against Human Trafficking

United Against Human Trafficking 6671 Southwest Freeway, Suite 220, Houston, TX, United States

You're invited to an open house at United Against Human Trafficking! You'll experience mini-versions of critical programs like Real Talk, Stopping Sexual Exploitation, and Alternative Therapy that prevent human trafficking and empower survivors to live in freedom. Your donations and support make these programs possible and this is your chance to experience their impact firsthand. […]


Unite 2022

Archway Gallery 2305 Dunlavy Street, Houston, Texas, United States

Save the Date! Join us at the enticing Archway Gallery for a night of art, wine and a celebration of our work to end human trafficking together.  Join us at Archway Gallery as we unite with our community to celebrate the work we are doing to end human trafficking in Houston. The event will feature a silent […]

The Pathway Summit

Sesh Coworking 2808 Caroline Street, Houston

Please join United Against Human Trafficking in the launch of the Pathway Referral Network for Greater Texas, a collaborative and creative environment that will foster learning and inspiration throughout the day. Doors Open at 9:45 am with boxed lunches and refreshments provided. The Pathway is an online, interactive database for survivors and Case Managers to […]

Steps To Freedom: Giving Tuesday

TX, United States

Thousands of steps chart a survivor's path to freedom: meeting with a case manager for the first time, filling out an apartment application, finding a ride to therapy, making a friend at support group, and so many more. Our vital programs ensure trafficking survivors have a reliable and trained guide on their journey. On Giving […]

Speakers’ Bureau Orientation

United Against Human Trafficking 6671 Southwest Freeway, Suite 220, Houston, TX, United States

Do you want to be part of our nationally-known human trafficking education program? Do you love learning and teaching? Do you excel at public speaking? Join our Speakers' Bureau! All Speakers' Bureau volunteers are required to attend orientation, where you'll be trained on: What human trafficking is, where it happens, and how to stay safe […]

GRACE’s Third Annual Week of Prayer to End Human Trafficking


First Lady Cecilia Abbott announced that the Governor's Response Against Child Exploitation (GRACE) initiative will host the third annual Week of Prayer to End Human Trafficking from January 9 through January 15, 2023. The statewide interfaith week of prayer coincides with Human Trafficking Prevention Month in the state of Texas and serves as a call […]

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