COVID-19 Resources

Due to school closures and restrictions on large crowds, we’re forced to pivot our programming for the foreseeable future. But human trafficking hasn’t stopped; men, women, and children continue to be exploited, despite social distancing.

We refuse to let this virus come between us and our mission.

In a time of relentless unknowns, we want to make sure trafficking victims still have an escape route to safety, teens are protected from online predators, and vulnerable populations aren’t tricked into exploitation.

That’s why our work to prevent exploitation, educate the community, and empower survivors remains in full effect right here – online.

UAHT trains law enforcement to recognize and respond to human trafficking.
UAHT trains law enforcement to recognize and respond to human trafficking.

Due to school closures and restrictions on large crowds, we’re forced to pivot our programming for the foreseeable future. But human trafficking hasn’t stopped; men, women, and children continue to be exploited, despite social distancing.

We refuse to let this virus come between us and our mission.

In a time of relentless unknowns, we want to make sure trafficking victims still have an escape route to safety, teens are protected from online predators, and vulnerable populations aren’t tricked into exploitation.

That's why our work to prevent exploitation, educate the community, and empower survivors remains in full effect right here – online.

UAHT equips teachers and educators to recognize and respond to human trafficking.

Building a Free Future During COVID-19

We realize these are unprecedented times, filled with uncertainty. But even as we adjust to life during social distancing and work to overcome fear of the unknown, we are confident that we will see the best of humanity emerge.

Give Today and Fight Trafficking During COVID-19.

Resources [English]

Do NOT listen to rumors you might hear on social media. The U.S. Surgeon General’s office reminded everyone: “PLEASE always talk to your health provider first before administering any treatment/ medication to yourself or a loved one.”

Disinfectants are poisonous! Medical experts announced, “Under no circumstances should any disinfectant product be administered into the body through injection, ingestion or any other route.” If this happens, please call Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222

Also, ultraviolet light has NOT been shown to be safe or effective for use on people to try to eliminate a virus, and exposure to ultraviolet light outside or from other sources can raise the risk of skin cancer.

Financial Assistance For Undocumented People

Resources [Español]

NO escuche rumores que pueda escuchar en las redes sociales. La oficina del Cirujano General de EE. UU. les recordó a todos: “POR FAVOR, hablen siempre con su proveedor de servicios médicos antes de administrarse cualquier tratamiento / medicamento a usted o a un ser querido”.

¡Los desinfectantes son venenosos! Los expertos médicos anunciaron: “Bajo ninguna circunstancia se debe administrar ningún producto desinfectante al cuerpo mediante inyección, ingestión o cualquier otra vía”. Si esto sucede, llame a Control de Envenenamiento al 1-800-222-1222.

Además, NO se ha demostrado que la luz ultravioleta sea segura o efectiva para su uso en eliminar un virus, y la exposición a la luz ultravioleta en el exterior o de otras fuentes puede aumentar el riesgo de cáncer de piel.

Asistencia Financiera For Inmigrantes Sin Papeles
UAHT trains the community to recognize and respond to human trafficking.

Request a Virtual Training

You can help identify and restore victims in Houston by inviting us to speak to your co-workers, family, and community through an online training.