January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month! See All Events >>



We can all fight human trafficking in our daily lives. Our professional human trafficking training and community presentations equip law enforcement, healthcare providers, educators, social service providers and community members with the skills to recognize and respond to trafficking situations.

All trainings are available virtually or in-person.


We all encounter trafficking situations and need the tools to respond.


Frontline Professionals trained to spot and respond to trafficking in 2022.

UAHT trains law enforcement to recognize and respond to human trafficking.
UAHT trains law enforcement to recognize and respond to human trafficking.


Frontline Professionals trained to spot and respond to trafficking in 2022.

Front-Line Professional Education Programs

first responder training

United Against Human Trafficking trains firefighters, paramedics, and EMT professionals to identify and appropriately respond to human trafficking. First responders hold a high level of trust within the community and encounter emergency situations where trafficking is likely to occur.

In this training, you will learn:

  • The three components of human trafficking,
  • How to recognize a human trafficking victim during an emergency,
  • Who to connect potential victims with; and
  • Protocol for reporting tips.
UAHT prepares first responders to recognize and respond to human trafficking
UAHT equips teachers and educators to recognize and respond to human trafficking.

educator training

Traffickers are recruiting our kids in schools. Therefore, UAHT created this training to equip teachers and school officials to recognize grooming techniques and potential victims. Educators will leave understanding how they are on the frontlines in protecting at-risk students and how to intervene on their behalf.

This training is approved for 1.5 hours of Continuing Professional Education (CPE).

In this training, you will learn:

  • How children become involved in human trafficking,
  • The vulnerabilities that increase a student’s risk of being trafficked,
  • The importance of a school-wide response and protocols,
  • How to recognize a human trafficking victim; and
  • Who to connect potential victims with and how to report tips.

health professionals training

88% of human trafficking victims encountered a healthcare provider while in captivity but were not identified. This training equips health professionals to help identify and respond to potential victims they treat at work.

This training is approved for 1 hour of Continuing Education Units (CEU).

In this training, you will learn:

  • The three components of human trafficking,
  • How to recognize a human trafficking victim in a healthcare setting,
  • How to respond to trafficking victims with a trauma-informed approach; and
  • Who to connect potential victims with and protocol for reporting tips while adhering to HIPAA Privacy Rule.


UAHT trains healthcare providers to recognize and respond to human trafficking
UAHT trains hotels, restaurants, and bars to recognize and respond to human trafficking.

hospitality training

Hospitality professionals are in key places to interact with trafficking victims—hotels, motels, bars, and restaurants. This training prepares receptionists, housekeeping staff, concierge, bartenders, and waiters to identify and respond to human trafficking.

In this training, you will learn:

  • The three components of human trafficking,
  • How victims are lured into trafficking situations,
  • Methods to identify victims from each job position’s perspective; and
  • Who to connect potential victims with and protocol for reporting tips.

law enforcement training

Law Enforcement experience the dark side of their communities firsthand. They frequently come into contact with human trafficking victims. The 4-hour version of this training satisfies the requirements of the TCOLE 3270 course and the 8-hour version meets the requirements for the TCOLE 3271 “Advanced Human Trafficking” course.

In this training, you will learn:

  • The three components of human trafficking,
  • How victims are lured into trafficking situations,
  • Methods to identify victims from each job position’s perspective; and
  • Who to connect potential victims with and protocol for reporting tips.
UAHT trains law enforcement to recognize and respond to human trafficking.
UAHT trains social service providers to recognize and respond to human trafficking.

Social service training

Because of the numerous types of social service providers, UAHT designs each of these trainings to meet the needs of each organization that requests it. Every training highlights the relevance of human trafficking for each kind of social service provider.

This training is approved for 1 hour of Continuing Education Units (CEU).

In this training, you will learn:

  • The three components of human trafficking,
  • How victims are lured into trafficking situations,
  • How to recognize a human trafficking victim; and
  • Who to connect potential victims with and how to report tips.

Human Trafficking 101

This training covers all the basics about human trafficking-what it is, where it happens, and how, you as a community member, can help.  We can adapt this training to meet any audience that you have.

In this training, you will learn:

  • The three components of human trafficking,
  • How victims are lured into trafficking situations,
  • How to recognize a human trafficking victim; and
  • How to report tips. 
UAHT trains the community to recognize and respond to human trafficking.
UAHT trains social service providers to recognize and respond to human trafficking.

How Human Trafficking Impacts the LGBTQ+ Community

The LGBTQ+ community is disproportionately affected by human trafficking. This training equips service providers who interact with members of the LGBTQ+ community to recognize and respond to human trafficking.

In this training, you will learn:

  • How the LBGTQ+ community can be more vulnerable to trafficking,
  • How to identify trafficking; and
  • How to create a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment.

Racial Justice & Human Trafficking

The African American and Black community are disproportionately affected by human trafficking. This training equips community members to understand trafficking in the context of racial injustice.

In this training, you will learn:

  • Why the African American community can be more vulnerable to trafficking,
  • Why systems of change are critical,
  • How to take action and make change
UAHT trains the community to recognize and respond to human trafficking.
UAHT trains social service providers to recognize and respond to human trafficking.

Trauma-Informed Care

Social service providers encounter trauma survivors every day. 

In this training, you will learn:

  • What is human trafficking
  • Signs a client may have experienced trafficking
  • How to support clients with appropriate resources and trauma-informed care
UAHT trains the community to recognize and respond to human trafficking.

Request a Speaker

You can help identify and restore victims in Houston by inviting us to speak in your workplace or community!